Threat Modeling

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Threat Modeling

Threat modeling is the process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing the security risks faced by an organization or individual. The goal of threat modeling is to help organizations design more secure systems by taking into account the potential threats that those systems may face.

Threat modeling has been around for decades, but it has only recently begun to gain widespread traction in the cybersecurity community. There are many different methods for conducting a threat model analysis. However, one of the most popular methods is known as STRIDE (spoofing, tampering, repudiation, information disclosure, denial of service, and elevation of privilege).

In today’s world, there are more cyber threats than ever before. And as those threats continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, it’s crucial that organizations have a proactive way to identify and address them. This is where threat modeling comes in.

By conducting regular threat analyses, organizations can gain a better understanding of the risks they face and develop response plans accordingly. Additionally, by incorporating threat modeling into their overall security strategy, organizations can build security into their applications from the ground up—ensuring that their systems are more resilient to attacks.

If you’re looking for a way to proactively identify potential threats facing your organization, our team at 8kSec can help. We’re highly trained in threat modeling for complex systems and can help you develop a comprehensive security strategy that takes into account all potential risks. Contact us today to learn more!



Our Senior Technical Partner will reach out to you to discuss the scope of work. They will walk you through the various services that would be suitable for your use case.


Our Senior Technical Partner will work with the 8kSec Head of Services to plan the best resource allocation for the specific engagement. You will receive a competitive quote, a detailed Statement of Work, and engagement timelines.


If you choose to decide to retain us for the project, our engagement manager will help share the logistical information related to the engagement. They will be your technical point of contact for the engagement and your liaison with our assigned pentest engineer.


For the duration of the pentest, we will share regular updates and point out high-risk issues as soon as they are found. A Final report will be generated with all the detailed steps to reproduce and mitigate the vulnerabilities found during the engagement.

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Our 8kSec Engagement manager will co-ordinate a debrief call where the pentest engineer will share the findings from the engagement and answer any questions you might have.