Product Code reviews

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Product Code Reviews

A Secure code review is specialized process of assessing the safety of a software program’s design and code. Different coding languages have different nuances. Code review can be performed manually or with automated tools, but well-versed reviewers who are familiar with multiple languages are often able to catch things that scanners miss. Only by performing these reviews can organizations be sure that their software systems are safe from attacks.

8kSec cyber-security experts have decades of experience conducting code reviews and continue to stay up-to-date with the latest best practices. Our team members are well-versed in multiple languages (Rust, GO, C++, Java, Objective C, Swift, .NET, etc.), and are familiar with the common coding pitfalls that can lead to security vulnerabilities. This means that we can accurately assess the security of your codebase regardless of its size or complexity.

In addition, we offer both on-demand and subscription-based services so that you can choose the option that best fits your needs. If you’re looking for a reliable partner to handle your secure code review needs, look no further than 8kSec. 

Our team can help you find weaknesses in the design, discover unsafe coding techniques, injection flaws, insecure cryptography, find hidden backdoors, cross-site scripting problems, and other potential security issues. Contact us today to learn more about our secure code review services and how we can help you deliver secure software products.



Our Senior Technical Partner will reach out to you to discuss the scope of work. They will walk you through the various services that would be suitable for your use case.


Our Senior Technical Partner will work with the 8kSec Head of Services to plan the best resource allocation for the specific engagement. You will receive a competitive quote, a detailed Statement of Work, and engagement timelines.


If you choose to decide to retain us for the project, our engagement manager will help share the logistical information related to the engagement. They will be your technical point of contact for the engagement and your liaison with our assigned pentest engineer.


For the duration of the pentest, we will share regular updates and point out high-risk issues as soon as they are found. A Final report will be generated with all the detailed steps to reproduce and mitigate the vulnerabilities found during the engagement.

Close Out

Our 8kSec Engagement manager will co-ordinate a debrief call where the pentest engineer will share the findings from the engagement and answer any questions you might have.